Sunday, September 12, 2010

Playful and Periodic Thumbnails and Final Two

15 thumbnails for periodic : 

15 thumbnails for playful : 

And here are my chosen 8 from the 30 thumbnails :


 Final 2

     My group's critique was very positive throughout it. They said that they both greatly demonstrated their element of playful and periodic. Both were also communicated well and were very strong. There was only a few things that they suggested that could make them better. They suggested making the periodic squares go off the the page, along with making the squares neater and bigger. Overall, there really wasn't much they thought should changed and felt that they were worked well. The group chose the periodic squares piece as my best composition out of all six of them, and I also agree with them on that.

1 comment:

  1. for periodic, i thought you had several stronger compositions than the one you chose. the one you chose is very static because of the symmetrical balancing. from you final set of four (periodic) the two on the right, especially the bottom right, create periodic yet are still dynamic (have a strong sense of motion or activity.)
